Friday, April 10, 2015

All good things come to an end...but not politics

Linn Sanneskär

Friday Morning, 

I walk down to floor one at the hotel for breakfast. Something is missing; usally I would meet my lovely classmates, friends, fellows, and peers, and with the help of caffeine we'd discuss the special day ahead of us with excitement. Even though it's 7 AM. Bless coffee! 

But this morning, there is me and the tourists, standing in a line for waffles...I want to go to the Capitol. It almost started to feel like home over there. Running around on floor three in the wrong building, or should I say the old building, realizing that the floors don't match; taking notes like never before, struggling to ask fundamental and important questions, and squeezing frequently in fancy elevators and claustrophobic offices. It is a good thing that we all get along so well, this could be the perfect recipe for an old couple looking for a divorce. 

I believe, this trip will symbolize a turning point for many of us, of course, in many different directions, but with the same goal; to be successful. We have all seen what it takes to get there, meaning, no slackers will ever step their foot into the capitol, unless they are there to support a bill with the name "we don't need no education." But again, they would probably get lost on floor three. 

It has been an outstanding trip, over all my expectations- and they were high to begin with. Dr. Eskandari created this program for US students. I am so incredibly grateful, not only for this opportunity, but for everything that he has thought me and my peers so far, and directing us in the right paths. It is a true fortune to have him as a professor. 

As a political science major, this internship can be your way to fulfill your dreams. Among the students, some were offered internships, what we learned is the most common way into politics on all levels. Not only that, to be able to make your dream more tangible, (I'm not talking about touching the germ bear) but actually shaking hands with Kevin De Leon, sitting in Hanna Beth Jackson, the Governor, and Kamal Harris's office, the assembly floor, the senate floor, attending controversial committee hearings; basically: breathing, talking, and feeling why politics is our passion. 

All good things come to an end, I think for myself when heading up to the hotel room to pack by bags and get ready to go back to Santa Barbara (at least it's warmer), leaving the annoying tourists behind me to explore more of Sacramento. 

...But i turns out though; this is only the beginning! It's like eating an In and Out burger; once you get a taste of it, you want to eat it again, and sure you will! I am more certain now, more than ever, that politics is my passion and my path to fillment - like that bittersweet feeling you have when you finish that burger and you just want another one. Politics never ends, It starts with the people, We ARE the people. 

Linn Sanneskär

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