Friday, April 10, 2015

Privacy & Technology : A Relationship not meant to be.

We live in a generation that is continuously engaged with technology. Our whole lives revolve around it. It is sad that less emphasis is placed upon individuals to solve a problem as opposed to these devices we live by. Indeed technology has made our lives effortless, nonetheless it has exposed us to threats from a multitude of sources.

Business Insider recently reported that with meager means of $120, one could easily hack into the new Iphone 6. I find this horrendously scary because to me it is a matter of life and death.

What if all your medical records were accessed through your phone via that one application you  decided to store it ? What if the whereabouts of you and your family were tracked ? So you see ladies and gentlemen, losing a couple of nudes is not that big a thing in contrast  to actually putting your life in harms way.

The world we live in is a scary place and technology accentuates this further but then again there are laws. Laws which keep our cities safe. Unfortunately these laws currently do not apply to private technological industries.

I had the privileged to ask hard hitting questions with regards to this issue during this internship. Major General  David S. Baldwin in conversation with me told me that there should be greater regulations. But then again the NSA scandal exemplies why this may not be a good idea.

There should be however greater security standards that has to be met by these firms. Unfortunately from a legal perspective this may not be achived as said by Mr. Thomas Lawson, head of Legal affairs for the Attorney General . The reason being that by forcing firms to adhere to certain security standards, it may violate intellectual property rights

The question about technology and privacy is a double edged sword. This whole internship has provided me with a platform to understand the challenges involved. Only the future can tell where we will be at with regards to this undeniable issue.

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