Tuesday, April 7, 2015

California State Assembly

Today, we were able to meet Dotson Wilson, the Chief Clerk of the Assembly and his assistant. The construction on the Capitol began in 1860 and the first assembly meeting took place in 1869. The duty of the Legislators is to enact just laws, in other words, "Legislatorum Est Justas Leges Condere."
Nowadays, the members of the Assembly vote electronically compared to the Senate members who vote in a more traditional way. The votes in the Assembly can also be changed if it does not affect the outcome of the bill. The Speaker of the Assembly is the most important person who decides where the majority and the minority parties sit in the chamber, which is a mix of Democrats and Republicans.
After having a detailed history of the Assembly, Chief Clerk Wilson gave us some very inspiring suggestions on how to succeed in our career. The most important piece of advice was to have good behavior. He also told us that mastering the English language is the key to distinguishing ourselves from other members and confidentiality is the basis of trust.
It was really awesome to meet both of them and learn from their experience!
We even got some pictures with Dotson Wilson!

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