Friday, April 10, 2015

Oh, What a week it was.

What a week it was. A few weeks ago Dr. Eskandari informed me of my addition to the program. 
At that exact moment my thoughts, with respect to the program, were not that enthusiastic. Rather, my focus had been to gain first hand insight about the driving mechanisms governing the most important state in the U.S.A, California. However, I had not anticipated the next pitch, a curve ball, that would change my Sacramento endeavors for the best. Opening night we had dinner with Dr, Eskandari's former student and current Assemblymember of district 37 Das Williams with a question and answer session. Furthermore, Das Williams gave us a brief moment of fame in the Assembly Chambers with a "Recognition" as the  Assembly began a legislative session the following day. Aside from Das, the class met State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson in her office and participated in active Committee Hearings ranging with issues such as the "Right to Die" and the controversial Vaccination bill (SB 277) in the Senate Health Committee. Most of us were moved by the amount of pain, passion, experience that many citizens of the state and even those testifying in favor of bills expressed that most of us could relate to in our life experiences. 

Nevertheless, the opportunities granted to us was simply amazing. Being welcomed by both Democrats and Republicans alike provided us significant insight into the vantage points of the differing political spectrums. Each day brought about greater opportunities for us to gain knowledge. Personally, my favorite experience from the program happened on the last day when we met the second most powerful man in California, President pro Tempore Kevin De Leon. Not only was he in a Senate session, on limited time and have a flight to catch, Kevin De Leon raised a connection by giving us time in his busy day. That was awesome. As we prepped for pictures the President pro Tempore and I had a brief discussion that hit at home. Being a fellow latino as the first Latino President pro Tempore elected in over 130 years gave me a renewed sense of ambition for my future aspirations.

Truth be told there is a lot I would like to mention to you all that are reading this, but I will leave that up to you lot to experience if you have an interest in future internship programs offered by Dr. Eskandari. Lastly, this experience, the friendships made, the activities, and this opportunity could not have been made possible without the man I respect the most. His wisdom, his knowledge, his persona all draw you in to want to learn and apply lessons echoed through the ages into your life. What makes this man respectable is not just the above mentioned, it is also the confidence that he has in each and every one of us to get far in life. Thank you for having faith in us to be apart of this program Dr. Eskandari-Qajar.
--Jose Negrete

                                         Kings game with Spencer and Mick. Kings won!

Free tacos with an extra coupon for two more tacos!(with any purchase)-Noteworthy
                                                                  "The Germ Bear"
                                          Us chilling with the President pro Tempore Kevin De Leon
                                                     Could be my Assembly seat one day.

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