Thursday, April 9, 2015

Stepping Stones

This week began with unfamiliar faces and unrealized opportunities. From our initial dinner with Senator Williams our group showed prowess to learn and meet the rigorous demands of face-to-face Q and A with an influential policymaker. When we were met with an early morning thunderstorm, we adjusted (thanks to the selflessness of Emmaly—if you were there you know just how gracious this little act of kindness was); when the demands of our group were elevated, we raised the bar; and when each day came to an end, we prepared ourselves to wake up and do it again. Thats why I feel that some of the greatest moments of this trip are hardly measurable—the relationships, the valuable insight, the thoughtful discussion. What’s much more quantifiable is everything I’ve gathered as far as the procedure of the state legislature, executive branch and lobbying realm, which were eye opening to say the least. I approached this week hoping to understand the way the process works, in doing so I’ve cultivated greater awareness and priceless relationships that will stay with me down the line. What began as unfamiliar and unrealized is now something I like to call experience, and for that I’m grateful.  


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