Thursday, April 9, 2015

House of Cards

To be critical of the system you must first have the knowledge and knowhow of the system and who is in charge. This internship gave us the opportunities to not only understand the system, but also to see it live while meeting the people who are running it.

            Visiting the California Senate and the California Assembly we where able to see past the pages of our books and watch first hand how law is created. Meeting with lobbing groups we where able to comprehend how their pressures influence the creation of law. The office of the Governor and the Attorney General displayed how the executive power implements the law.        

            Meeting with Das Williams, Hanna-Beth Jackson and Kevin de Leon was one of my most humbling experiences. The realization that these people are just like you and me shows me that the system is doing its job to represent the people. Meeting with these three powerful people and seeing their humility showed me the greatness of our system.  

            This internship has changed the way I see the Government and think of the system. Although there is no such thing as a perfect system and there is much room for improvement, I think we are on the right track. Thank you Dr. Eskandari for the opportunity and I look forward to the change our representatives are making. A special thinks to my new friends and a shout out to Adam for keeping us all in line.    

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