Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Right to Rest

Demonstration outside the Capitol
There were so many pertinent and controversial issues being brought up and debated at the capitol today it was hard to choose one. In our meeting with Hannah-Beth Jackson she introduced us to the major issues she is currently working on, such as drone management and privacy rights. We then heard from policy consultant Mike Petersen as well as committee Republican consultant Todd Moffitt, among others. When we arrived at the capitol after lunch there was a gathering of constituents outside of the capitol in support of Senate Bill 608. SB 608 concerns the homeless population in California and the effect of heavily policing the homeless. One quote that really stood out to me was from a man who had been homeless for 9 years on skid row. He said, "I have been criminalized, but I am not a criminal." Many other advocates of the bill were either currently homeless or have worked heavily with the homeless populations in the past. "House keys not handcuffs" was another popular saying among the bills advocates. The committee room was beyond full, with many (including myself) having to stand against the wall. There was a line out the door of people that came to voice their support for SB 608. The other side of the debate focused on the criticisms of how the bill is only treating the symptoms of the problem (such as the arrests and fines given to the homeless) instead of actually trying to change the causes or provide long-term resolutions such as housing. The senators on the committee had varying opinions on the bill, with Senator Anthony Cannella being the harshest critic of the bill and Senator Connie Leyva being its biggest supporter (other than its author, Senator Carol Liu). In the end, Senator Liu decided to end the hearing without calling for a vote.

Waiting in line to voice support.
Watching the hearing from outside the committee room. 

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