Saturday, April 11, 2015

Nossaman Policy Advisors

On the last day of the program we met with two lobbyists from the Nossaman law firm in Sacramento. The Nossaman office was absolutely amazing! It is located on the 25th floor of one of the biggest skyscrapers in Sacramento. Walking into the office, I was stunned by the amazing view of the city that it offered. We sat down along a long glass meeting table where we were greeted by two of Nossaman's best lobbyists in Sacramento. They explained what a lobbyist does exactly and how they have such a large impact on policy decisions in California. I was amazed at the variety of clients and issues that Nossaman works with. They explained how a lobbyists job is to serve as a voice between a client and government officials, such as legislators. The experience to sit down with two of the best lobbyists in Sacramento and learn about their highly influential profession was unforgettable.

                                                         The Amazing Meeting Room
Artwork Inside the Lobby of the Skyscraper.

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